Mining Semantic Insights from Software Engineering Artifacts

This was my Master's Thesis. I investigated NLP techniques for automatically extracting semantic information from repositories of code with the goal of clustering together fragments 'related' to a particular topic or feature.

If you're interested you can read the final report.

12/2020 - 6/2021 ... built with Kotlin and TornadoFx


This was my 3rd Year Group Project at Uni. We built a lecture quiz application simmilar to Kahoot or Mentimenter purpose built for the Department of Computing.

Our group achieved an A* for Veracity, you can see the project in action on the department's YouTube channel.

10/2019 - 12/2019 ... built with React and Flask

Concurrent Verification with TaDA

Over the summer of my second year of Uni I took part in a student research project. We studied TaDA, a logic for formally verifying concurrent programs. Over the summer we constructed a series of example proofs, verifying some idiomatic data structures. We then worked on proving some of the logic rules themselves were sound.

See an example of a proof we worked on here.

7/2019 - 9/2019 ... built with COQ and TaDA

Burst My Bubble

This was my 2nd Year 'Web Apps' Group Project at Uni. This module was run in collaboration with the Royal College of Art who assessed us on the user experience of our app instead of the code-quality.

We created 'Burst My Bubble', a news aggregator focussed on challenging confirmation bias. Users were recommended articles from a variety of sources and viewpoints.

'Burst My Bubble' was awarded second best project for my year.

5/2019 - 6/2019 ... built with React, Python, and MongoDB

A Revision Adventure

This was my A-Level Final Project. Using Unity I built a simple RPG (inspired by Pokémon) with the twist that user's attacked their in-game opponents by correctly answering revision questions.

I was awarded an A* for my final report.

9/2016 - 5/2016 ... built with Unity and MySql